
MagicK Lantern CYcle

Kenneth Anger - Lucifer Rising (1972)

地下实验电影导演Kenneth Anger著名短片之,VHS画质。
汩汩涌出的岩浆,大地震颤,躁动而出的鳄鱼……古埃及王国诞生,金字塔和斯芬克斯。符号主义,迷思,仪式的象征,配着Bobby BeauSoleil的迷幻音乐,真的是一次"迷幻视听之旅"。据说此短片从赴埃及实地拍摄到剪辑配乐的后期用了七年时间。

六十年代美国先锋派电影的突出代表是所谓神话派或神话诗派。这 个流派源于欧洲的超现实主义传说。通过流亡美国的德国先锋派鼻祖汉斯·里希特(Hans Richter)的作品和四五十年代美国先锋派电影最重要任务玛雅·德伦(Maya Deren)的影片,超现实主义也传到了美国。此流派的电影创作者用电影来表现自己的主观经历、回忆、幻想和梦想。
代表导演有:Stan Brakhage, Ed Emschwiller和Gregory Markopoulos等,电驴er们块搜吧。

Kenneth Anger——Lucifer
Donald Cammell——Osiris
Marianne Faithfull——Lilith
Myriam Gibril——Isis

Myriam Gibril,地下电影怎么能少得了露点。

那么这个就是Marianne Faithfull 了。




Kenneth Anger最初找Led Zeppelin的Jimmy Page来作配乐,结果嫌后者弄得太长就炒掉Jimmy,而把活交给因涉嫌与Charles Manson(都熟悉吧)凶杀案有关而入狱的Bobby BeauSoleil来料理,于是后者在监狱里写出了这部片子最终的Sound track。Bobby是当时迷幻自由爵士摇滚的著名乐手。

Bobby BeauSoleil生平
Bobby BeauSoleil has created most of his musical recordings while behind bars. Yet regardless of his circumstances, or perhaps in spite of them, if not because of them, he has remained true to his musical vision and his passion, producing some of the most memorable deep symphonic psychedelia ever recorded.

At the age of 17, possessed of some callow ability as a blues-oriented lead guitarist, BeauSoleil first founded then confederated himself into a quintet that became San Francisco’s seminal electric chamber group, The Orkustra (1966), thus distinguishing himself as an instrumentalist with a unique musical vision. His subsequent recorded experiments in primal psychedelic free jazz-rock with The Magick Powerhouse of Oz (1967), and later with his prison band The Freedom Orkurstra (1975-79), became the foundation of his compositions for the soundtrack of Kenneth Anger’s epic underground film, Lucifer Rising. Imbued with BeauSoleil’s signature electronic guitar stylings and home-brew synthesizer textures, this ground-breaking recording has received worldwide acclaim for its power to evoke moods that are by turns dark and brooding, playful and exuberant.

The improbable odyssey continues in BeauSoleil’s more recent albums. Recorded in the 90s and early 00s, Running With the White Wolf, Mantra, Orb, Dreamways of the Mystic, and 7 offer a series of rich soundscapes that amply display the artist’s ongoing ability to escort the listener in wild flights of fancy to magickal realms with original music that cuts across eras and genres.


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