
想い出波止場 - 大音楽 (1990)

想い出波止 - 大音楽 (Alchemy, ARCD-015, 1990)

山本精一(Seiichi Yamamoto): Vocal, Guitar
津山篤(Atsushi Tsuyama): Bass, Guitar, Vocals

杉本祐一(Yuichi Sugimoto): Synethizer
, Keyboard
長谷川CHU(CHU Hasegawa): Drums)

David Hopkins (Chorus, Shreak, Lecture)

Betsy Hopkins (Chorus)

Download here@256kbps

2 评论:


By Anonymous 匿名, at 星期日, 九月 28, 2008 7:35:00 下午  


By Blogger 红色的小喇叭, at 星期一, 九月 29, 2008 6:27:00 下午  



黑煞五道与五麻六道· Aristide Maillol (French, 1861-1944)

Aristide Maillol (French, 1861-1944)

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Bellaphon + 大野雄二

Bellaphon - Delphi (1995)

(Fragments of Biotope Suite~Firefly)
(3)無防備都市(No Guarded City)
(Overture- La Di Atlantis)
(5)ラヴィレット(La Vilette)
(Villa Di Misteri)

垣 光隆(Kaki Mitsutaka): Keyboard
田中 稔裕(
Torigaki Masahiro):Guitar
富家 大器(Tomiie Taiki): Drums

小野雄二(Yuji Ono):

鳥垣 正裕
(Torigaki Masahiro): Bass
太田亨(Ooda Tooru): Guitar

发行是82-84年分别在芦屋(Ashiya)、大阪及東京的未发行曲目。好听几乎胜过美狂乱。88年Bellaphon解散前田中稔裕等团员亦在B与Ain Soph团间流动。

(Yuji Ohno) - Cosmos (CBS SONY, 1982)

01 - Prologue(プロローグ)
02 - Sunset (日の入り
03 - Living Satellite ''10'' of Jupiter
04 - Sailing
05 - Crystal Lullaby (1)
06 - Take It To The Sky
07 - Over the Galaxy
08 - Saturn - Pierrot In The Heaven
09 - Andromeda Smile
10 - Landing on the Surface of Venus
11 - Crystal Lullaby (2)
12 - Epilogue - Sunrise

封面由日本"宇宙画の第一人" 的岩崎賀都彰(生于中国大连, 本名岩崎敏二(Toshiji Iwasaki), 后又改为岩崎一彰(Kazuaki Iwasaki))所作。

大野雄二(Yuji Ohno): Keyboards
高水健司(Takemizu Kenji)
: Electric Bass
直居隆雄(Takao Naoi)
: Electric Guitar
市原康(Yasushi Ichihara)
: Drums
Jake H.Concepsion: Saxophones


Download Delphi(192) & Cosmos(256) here

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暇潰し· Killing Time

Killing Time (キリング・タイム, 暇(ひま)つぶし)前身是1982年的チャクラ(Chakra)的板倉文(Bun Itakura)、清水一登(Kazuto Shimizu)、Ma*To(藤井将登, Masato Fujii)
很过瘾的Avant-Garde pop/new age音乐。

Killing Time - Bob (1986)

① - BOB
② - 8687
③ - PERU
⑥ - 逆瀬川 
⑦ - チロリアン・マッスルズ(Tirolean Muscles) 
⑧ - かたたたき

板倉文(Guitar)、清水一登(Keyboard,他)、Ma*To(Tabka,Keyboard)、斉藤ネコ(Neko Saito, 出本名 斎藤 毅(Takeshi), Violin)WHACHO(帆足哲昭(Hoashi Toshiaki), Percussion)、メッケン(Bass)、仙波清彦(Kiyohiko Senba, Drums)、溝口肇(Hajime Mizoguchi, Cello)

Killing Time - Skip (1987)

① - SKIP
② - 老人達の夢__Hearing Without A Break Without Hearing A Break 
③ - One For Each Sentiment
④ - 日没 

●Musician: 板倉文(Guitar)、清水一登(Keyboard,他)、Ma*To(Tabka,Keyboard)、斉藤ネコ(Violin)、WHACHO(Percussion)、メッケン(荻原基文(Motofumi Ogiwara), Bass)、仙波清彦 (Drums)

Download Skip and Bob here@256kbps

Killing Time - Irene + 2 (1988)

②既知との遭遇_A Close Encounter With You Know What 
④IRENE ~1.虫の知らせ
5.オフちゃん ~

⑦Myocardial Infaction
●Musician: 板倉文(Guitar)、清水一登(Keyboard,他)、Ma*To(Tabka,Keyboard)、斉藤ネコ (Violin)、WHACHO(Percussion)、横山雅史(Masafumi Yokoyama, Bass)、青山純(Jun Aoyama, Drums) れいち(Chorus)
Download Irene+2here@256kbps

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脓。Sepsis - Liturgia Bezumia (Литургия Безумия) (Russia, 1991)

Sepsis(Сепсис) - Liturgia Bezumia (Литургия Безумия) (Russia, 1991)

01. Отчуждение (Alienation)
02. В плену у диких собак (In Wild Dog's Captivity)
03. Размышляя о... (Thinking about)
04. В волнах желания (On the Waves of Desire)
05. Апогей (Apogee)
06. Изгнание бесов (Exorcism)
07. Погружаясь в сон (Submerging into the Dream)
08. Плач блуждающей девы (Lament of the Wandering Maiden)
09. Спазмы рассудка (Mind Spasms)
10. Оковы славы (Fetters of Fame, or 'Burdens of Fame')
11. Прочь из этих мест (Away from these Places)
12. Изгнание бесов (Exorcism)
13. Катарсис (Catharsis)

Russian Prog trio. 松弛的魔力橡皮筋吉他弦编织成一张舒服的吊床。
Many thanks to Malkovich(WEHAVENOZEN) for putting Russian titles into En.
Go to MUTANT-SOUNDS for review on this gem.

Алексей Романов — гитара (Guitar)
Александр Березкин — бас-гитара (Bass Guitar?)
Иван Феденко — ударные (Drums)

Download here@256kbps

Звукорежиссер Ю. Морозов
Редактор А. Бурлака
Художественное оформление Л. Боярского
Запись Ленинградской студии грамзаписи и кооператива «Профессиональная звукозапись», март — апрель 1990 г.

Что останется завтра с тобой? —
Это небо безмолвной печали?
Пронзительный окрик чаек?
Опадающих листьев боль?
На пороге иустынного леса
Я стою, и моя усталость —
Мистерических снов слежалость.
Им просторно во мне и тесно.
Шаг вперед, и душа внетелесна.
Шаг вперед — волшебство пропало.
Вроде всё изменилось мало...
Сладкий дым облаков белесых —
Вот куда уплывают росы.
В этом знании мету пользы,
А тем более некоей позы.
На сосне выступают слезы,
На лице — легкий пар эмоций,
Дуги лет завернулись в кольца,
Пни торчат, уходя корнями
Вниз. Оттуда стремится к небу
Всё живое. Здесь будет в тему
Аналогия с волосами
Головы. Хотя ассоциативность
Как явление субъективна.
Тут я, видимо, лезу в тину
Усредненного самокопанья.
Прелесть сна воплощая в камне.


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Bobby Beausoleil - Lucifer Rising Soundtrack

Bobby Beausoleil - Lucifer Rising Soundtrack (1967,1970s)

cd1-Lucifer Rising Soundtrack - Bobby BeauSoleil & The Freedom Orchestra (1977-1979)
PartI-Part VI

cd2-Lucifer Rising Sessions
01 - The Orkustra - Punjab's Barber (Excerpt)
02 - The Orkustra - Flash Gordon (Excerpt)
03 - The Magick Powerhouse of Oz - Lucifer Rising Recording Session (1967)
04 - The Freedom Orchestra - Lucifer Rising Session (1977-1978)
Download here@192kbps

Freedom Orchestra:

Bobby BeauSoleil - electric guitar, bass
Richard Sutton - electric keyboard, Fender-Rhodes piano
Steve Grogan - electric guitar
Chuck Gordon - bass
Randall Chalton - drums
Andy Thurston - drums
Tim Wills - Fender-Rhodes piano
Herbie Rascone - trumpet
Robert Gadbury - "Sparks"

Origin: Tracy Prison/California
Released: 2004/Arcanum/White Dog Music

Notes From Purgatory

Composing and developing the music for Lucifer Rising was, for me, a personal journey – one that was more spiritual than material in nature. The notion that the work might enjoy some sort of commercial success is one to which I hardly gave more than a passing thought. Instrumental music, without lyrics and vocals, virtually guarantees limited popular appeal in any case.

In 1980, not long after I completed the work, I managed, with the help of some friends, to arrange a limited pressing of the original extended stereo version of the soundtrack on vinyl LP. A few of the 1,000 copies of the LP were given to each of the members of The Freedom Orchestra, whose energies and talents were so invaluable to the making of many of the recordings. Most of the remaining copies were given away to family and friends, or distributed by Kenneth at showings of the film during his Magick Lantern Cycle screenings. And then they were gone.

A decade passed during which I heard barely a whisper about the Lucifer Rising soundtrack. From where I sat, the work seemed to have faded into obscurity, of little interest to anyone but those who had been directly involved in the process of its creation. Then I began to receive letters from people in many parts of the world who had been exposed to the recordings in one way or another, typically by way of a pirated cassette copy of the soundtrack ripped from the LP or the monophonic optical track of the film, and who had written to tell me how they had been personally affected or influenced by this music.

There are not words to express the profound joy and gratitude I experienced upon discovering that this music had reached across time and continents to touch the hearts of other souls. This is a work that emerged out of the crucible of private experience under extreme and fragile circumstances. Its birth was not an easy one. I had to wrestle it into existence, not only out of myself, but passed difficulties and obstacles that defy description. No greater honor could come from this effort than learning that the emotive textures in this music have succeeded in communicating their messages, resonating in the psyches of many who have heard it. Sharing in this kind of intimacy with the listener is a reward beyond any I had hoped to attain.

To all those stalwart souls, named and unnamed, who supported and encouraged me in these efforts, who participated in some fashion in the creative process, and to those who have responded so favorably to the results, I extend my undying gratitude. To those of you who are encountering these recordings for the first time, I thank you for your interest in hearing them.

- Bobby BeauSoleil, Spring 2004

Jimmy Page - Lucifer Rising Soundtrack (1973)

Page的最早未被采用版,被Aleister Crowley咒语附身的无弦乐伴奏原始膜拜仪式。

Jimmy Page - Lucifer Rising - Zeppelin Bombay Sessions (1972,73)

01-08: Lucifer Rising Boleskine Studios (Scotland), Nov. 1973
09&10: Making of Friends Bombay (India), April 1972

Download OST+Bombay Sessions here@320kbps

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爱妻伤身·Ken Jacobs - The Surging Sea of Humanity

Ken Jacobs - The Surging Sea of Humanity (2006)

The Surging Sea of Humanity
Ken Jacobs
2006, 10:41 min, color, silent

Ken Jacobs writes: "Stereograph of the crowd at the opening of the US Centennial Exposition of 1893. It turns into a movie. Into an enormous rugged and craggy 3-D landscape.... before the people return and the scene is righted again. Many laws were broken in the making of this movie, beginning with laws of gravity."

Assisted by Erik Nelson. Eternalism US patent 7,030,902. Other patents pending.

结构(解构)主义电影代表Ken Jacobs在一张立体相片(1983年美国百年博览会展)上作的眩晕试验当万人坑般的人潮被抽动到如丧尸般移动时你可感觉到几分的恐惧?

Download here with 2oomb
更多关于结构主义先锋, 请看加拿大人Michael SnowWave Length (1967) La Région Centrale (1971)。

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